Sunday, 17 February 2013

Words of Truth

Two Priests and an old lady...

I went to church today. In fact I was so excited I got there an hour early. It was a pretty, sunny day and the walk was just what I needed and it felt amazing. It was as if the world was smiling directly at me and everything looked beautiful. When I got to church I met an old lady sitting on the stoop. And we spoke... Later joined by the two priests saying mass for the evening, we continued the conversation while I marveled at the calm and serenity of the church grounds. How simple life can be sometimes...and how complicated we often make it. 

The sermon caught me by surprise, I planned on a a enjoyable service and a happy ride home in a shuttle. But no...He spoke such truth that it seemed to sear my heart slowly, as though removing a growth that was protecting me from pain. He said...we all have two sides. We have an ability to be good and kind but we also have a side that is selfish and cruel. Once we admit this to ourselves and admit that we have hurt others; we will see our truth. He said that we are all broken, in some way or the other we have all been injured...but our hearts though scattered can be put back together. But we must rebuild our temple in a way that is pleasing to  God...if we do, we will stand strong. 

Those words hit home...those words are words of truth. 

Much Love...


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