Am I beautiful?
With my womanly hips,
With my spotted skin,
or my skew teeth?
Am I beautiful?
the uncomfortable arch of my back,
or those scars visible on my skin?
what about my unruly coloured bush,
Could it be appealing?
Could I be beautiful?
Perhaps from far? Perhaps at first glance?
or must you take the time to wait,
and learn the way around my flaws?
The journey of a thousand woes...
I am guarded and raw with disappointed hopes
My bite stings with instinctive protection
and my eyes are judgmental and cruel...but, perhaps...
You could think I am beautiful?
even just for a second, from a distance?
When you did not see my fear
when you could not sense my insecurity
And all seemed well within,
before you looked too closely and saw all I try to hide, then perhaps...
Could you love me...
Melancholic, honest and real. A poem after my own heart.